2007-06-12 17:35:20 UTC
How ironic for someone with such a small mind.
Speaking of Paris Hilton, it didn't take long for Miss Hilton to acquirethe shakes and to be unable to eat when she was first admitted to the
slammer. The local Sheriff ? was quick to send Miss Hilton home to finish
her sentence. Supporters of Miss Hilton continue to claim bias, stating
that anyone else would not have been forced to spend time in jail for the
same offenses Miss Hilton committed.
After the Judge who sentenced her became aware of Miss Hilton having been
sent home, he was equally quick in putting her back in the slammer, again
with her supporters claiming bias, that no one else would receive such
harsh treatment.
Along comes Al Sharpton. Al Sharpton was quick to denounce the treatment
of Miss Hilton, claiming blacks would never receive the kind of treatment
Miss Hilton was receiving, that Blacks would receive far harsher
sentences, without the potential for time off with good behavior
(something Miss Hilton doesn't seem to know much about.) Al Sharpton was
quite harsh in denouncing the judge being so easy on Miss Hilton's
sentencing, that Miss Hilton should have had a much more severe sentence.
Proving once again:
It's all about Sharptongue.
If it ain't; he will make it about Sharptongue.
Keep Racism Alive.
You who have never done us wrong will make amends for those long ago that
done others wrong and you will never forget
what you did not do but should be held liable for the free lunch.
Pooooooooooooooie on Sharptongue
As we know, famous people don't care to air their personal problems. Such
news becomes national headlines quite quickly. It turns out that Miss
Hilton has been on medication for a number of years to combat severe
depression. Because Miss Hilton didn't want the general public to know,
she refused to inform the court or jail personnel of her medical
requirements. Hence Miss Hilton's abrupt bout with the shakes very shortly
after being admitted to jail without the prescribed medications, a
situation which was quickly remedied when the proper authorities were
informed of her special medical needs.
news becomes national headlines quite quickly. It turns out that Miss
Hilton has been on medication for a number of years to combat severe
depression. Because Miss Hilton didn't want the general public to know,
she refused to inform the court or jail personnel of her medical
requirements. Hence Miss Hilton's abrupt bout with the shakes very shortly
after being admitted to jail without the prescribed medications, a
situation which was quickly remedied when the proper authorities were
informed of her special medical needs.